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For Teacake Stories, Poems, Recipes, And Personal Memories

We look forward to reading your submission of a teacake story, poem, recipe or personal memory. To assist you in increasing the odds that your submission will be accepted, we offer you the following guidelines.

The work that you submit to us must be your own 100% original work. We use various techniques to check, so please: no cut-and-paste entries, no copyrighted material, and no material copied from other publications (print, online, or otherwise.)

Your story, poem, recipe or personal teacake memory should be written in informal, first person standard American English. We don’t expect perfection, but please make every effort to proof-read for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. You will be credited by name for your submission, so this is your opportunity to be a star!

Teacake stories: 100 to 500 words
Teacake poems: 25 to 200 words
Teacake recipes: 100 to 400 words
Personal teacake memories: 100 to 300 words

Please submit your work through the site as a MicroSoft Word file, using Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma font, 12-point, 1.5 spacing.
For recipes, please use the following sample format:

Name of recipe, author, and person submitting recipe
(Example: “Aunt Virginia’s Blackberry Teacakes, Submitted by John Doe”)
Brief, 5 to 20 word description
Ingredients (example):
1 cup…
1/8 teaspoon…
¼ tablespoon…
8 ounces…

Number of servings

Model for a winning story
Start with a bit of history, including period details. Then introduce characters. Talk about conflict, like the time you got in trouble and after you apologized and were punished, you shared a teacake with your Aunt—who made it all better. Reach deep into your African-American roots and give vivid details.

Examples of things we’d like to see:
  • A humorous story about making your first teacakes with your mother, and using salt instead of sugar.
  • A touching poem about sharing teacakes after a funeral.
  • A special recipe for lemon-poppyseed teacakes.
  • Your personal recollection of your very first teacake experience.

Examples of things we prefer not to see:
  • Any sexual content or inappropriate language
  • Negative experiences
  • Recipes copied from elsewhere on the internet
  • Personal recollections that demean or insult others